I did a thing on the internet!

Good morning all,

I had a great discussion with a guy who owns a digital marketing company in Metro Detroit last week and my biggest take away was that I need a better online presence. He also half mentioned that this website is useless and should really just be a way to get people to go to my Instagram and Facebook pages. Seeing as how is company is crazy successful, I have no doubt that he’s right. Ha-ha!

Anyway, as much as I have resisted doing more things online and in the social media space I have to make more of an effort. I spend 90% of my time in life wishing and hoping that someday I can make HMR a legitimate business and stop working at my full time job which is, at best, marginally fulfilling.

So, I made a YouTube channel that I will link below. If you are one of the few people that may actually read this I would appreciate it if you click on the link and subscribe to my channel. I’ll be posting all of the work I’m doing for the McPherson Mansion build and I hope that you follow along.

HMR YouTube


Mansion Red Oak Update….Fall Edition


I am a worthless website maintainer……..